Monday, March 22, 2010

For spring break I stayed in El Paso(Hell Paso) it was alright, I probably could have had a better time, but whatever. At least my friends didn't leave out of town because then I would have been really bored. Anyway I went ice skating and I saw Remember Me. It was a really good movie and super cute. The beginning was very sad and the ending I cried!
Also I said I went ice skating and it was so much fun! I actually didn't fall alot, which is really suprising. Later in the week I went to the mall with one of my friends which was alot of fun. Then on saturday I went to Las Crusas and just hungout with my family. It was a pretty productive week! :)

Friday, March 12, 2010


The problem with the war going on in Juarez is that they can't control it. Its been getting worse year after, year. I wish the U.S. can do something to help but I think since its their country they should take matters in their own hands. I know that sounds harsh but its the truth and they need to take care of themselves.

One thing I wouldn't mind is taking refugees into El Paso or any where else in the country. It would be better for the families and it would be nice to help them too. If i were them I would want people in the U.S to take refugees too.